How to Use Incense to Support You Holistically


Did you know that burning incense can support your healing journey as well as provide other benefits? It sure does!

Burning incense is a form of aromatherapy. The way aromatherapy works is that it activates the smell receptors in your nose that sends messages directly to your brain’s limbic system. This system affects your emotions, memory, learning, appetite, and sex drive. Therefore, inhaling aromas, such as through essential oils or burning incense, stimulate different responses throughout your body that provide a positive healing effect.

There are several benefits to burning incense, and some of them include the following. 

  •  Improving focus and mental clarity

  •  Providing a grounding and balance

  •  Reduce stress, anxiety, and support other mood disorders

  •  Kills bacteria, fungus, and viruses

  •  Promote relaxation

  •  Deepen attention

  •  Heighten awareness

  •  Aide in spirituality

  •  Promote mindfulness

  •  Support meditation

  •  Stimulate creativity

My personal favorites for resin incense are frankincense, myrrh, 7 archangels, 3 kings, and copal. Each one of these provides additional benefits to your healing journey, and I recommend their use during prayer and meditation.


Frankincense resin use is for grounding, meditation, spiritual growth, calming emotions, mental focus, and purification.


Myrrh resin is for use with mediation, peace, purification, healing, and spirituality.

7 Archangels

The 7 Archangels resin includes frankincense, myrrh, and a variety of other aromas. Its use is for peace, meditation, healing, and spiritual growth.

3 Kings

The 3 Kings resin includes frankincense, myrrh, and benzoin. Its use is for peace, balance, harmony, healing, and spiritual growth.


Copal resin is often for use with mediation, promoting feelings of love, purification, healing, and spirituality.

When burning incense, you could use incense sticks, cones, or even resin, whichever is your preference run with it, and if you're not sure, I suggest you start with incense sticks to keep it simple.

My personal preference for burning incense is with an abalone shell on a stand with charcoal discs and resin incense. A word of caution, though with this method that the abalone shell does get hot and if you have small children or pets, it's less than ideal, but not impossible to use. Just be mindful of the safety issues that arise when using this method when they're home or around you.

To use a shell or other fire-safe bowl, you will place the charcoal disc at the bottom, light it, and place the resin on top. I also like to gently blow on it to generate the smoke and then fan my hand slowly in front of my face to take in the aroma before placing it down in front of me.

You can purchase your preferred kind of incense through online retailers or local businesses such as rock or crystal shops, metaphysical or spiritual stores, or other specialty shops.

Soon, I will be selling these items in my online shop, but for now, here are the retailers that I have used to purchase through Amazon*.

In summary, based on the information above, you can see that burning incense provides several benefits for you and your family. Depending on the aroma of the incense will depend on the benefits and whether they’re emotional, mental, physical, or spiritual. Either way, I encourage you to explore which types and aromatic scents of incense you prefer to use. Keep a log of the changes you see after their use. I “scents” you’ll be surprised at the benefits you experience. Have fun with it!

Share in the comments: What type of incense do you use in your home?


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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

Healing from Grief

Are you struggling to cope with the loss of a loved one?

In my 10x bestselling book, Healing from Grief, I share intimate details about my experience of losing my Dad to cancer and the turmoil I experienced in the aftermath of his death, which ultimately led to my breakdown. With perseverance, grit, and my faith, I fearlessly found my inner warrior and began to battle the demons of my life and pulled myself out of the depths of hell.

I met with medical professionals, alternative and holistic health practitioners, spent countless hours researching, educating, and implementing ideas to discover a better way to heal from grief. In doing so, I transformed my life by holistically healing the mind, body, soul, and spirit and learned to turn pain into purpose and honor my loved one.

Now I aspire to share these secrets with you!

10x Amazon Bestseller, Healing from Grief: Transform Your Pain into Purpose and Honor Your Loved One by Kayla Brissi

10x Amazon Bestseller, Healing from Grief: Transform Your Pain into Purpose and Honor Your Loved One by Kayla Brissi

In the book, you’ll find a practical guide to help you find peace and comfort while you heal from grief; such as:

  • Mindful Meditation

  • Journal Writing

  • Aromatherapy

  • Crystals

  • Energy Healing

You will also learn how to transform your pain into purpose and honor your loved one while living a highly favored life!


Kayla Brissi

Kayla Brissi is a Certified Transformational Coach and Holistic Healing Practitioner, Speaker, and Author of Healing from Grief* and Transforming Inner Pain*.

She is the Owner and Founder of Intuitive Spiritual Warrior Holistic Consulting & Healing LLC and Kayla Brissi LLC.

Kayla is passionate about empowering others to R.I.S.E. by supporting them to heal their inner pain, get into energetic alignment, and break free from what’s blocking their personal and professional growth.

In her spare time, you can catch her writing her next best-selling book, reading, watching movies, and spending time with her family.

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