5 Ways to Holistically Ease Your Mood Disorder Symptoms

I had the honor and privilege to contribute an article on the website for the Rejuvenate IV Hydration & Wellness Center in Olympia, WA. In the article, 5 Ways to Holistically Ease Your Mood Disorder Symptoms, I shared my story and journey with my mental health, which included my breakdown in December 2018, shortly after losing my father to cancer, and included five holistic and alternative ways to get a handle on mood disorder symptoms that have worked for me. They are as follows:

  1. Diet

  2. Sleep

  3. Exercise

  4. Mindful Meditation

  5. Aromatherapy

If you are struggling with mood disorders, such as depression or anxiety, I highly recommend taking a few minutes to read my article. It’s informative and offers insights from someone who is in the trenches with you!

My goal is to raise awareness and stop the stigma of mental health illnesses and provide alternative ways to find support. May my article provide some insights and be a stepping stone to your holistic health journey.

Read the article HERE.

Share in the comments: What’s your biggest struggle with easing your mood disorder symptoms holistically?

Kayla Brissi

Kayla Brissi is a Certified Transformational Coach and Holistic Healing Practitioner, Speaker, and Author of Healing from Grief* and Transforming Inner Pain*.

She is the Owner and Founder of Intuitive Spiritual Warrior Holistic Consulting & Healing LLC and Kayla Brissi LLC.

Kayla is passionate about empowering others to R.I.S.E. by supporting them to heal their inner pain, get into energetic alignment, and break free from what’s blocking their personal and professional growth.

In her spare time, you can catch her writing her next best-selling book, reading, watching movies, and spending time with her family.


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