How to Use Crystals for Holistic Healing and Support


Did you know that crystals can support you in various ways, such as during challenging times, feelings associated with grief, to boost creativity, help you sleep, and more?

Yes, they sure do!

Whether or not you believe crystals truly can support you emotionally, mentally, physically, or spiritually is up to you. I'll let you form your own opinions on the topic, but for me, I have seen first hand how they have helped me throughout my life.

After my father's passing, my doctor diagnosed me with recurrent major depression, generalized anxiety disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). I accepted the help and took my meds, knowing that eventually, I would be off of them.

As seen as the strong one of the family, I felt the pressure to be everyone's support system after his passing, and it did a number on me emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually. I was a wreck!

In my head, if I chose to get help, I would be letting my dad down and going back on my word to take care of everyone once he was gone. The pressure sent me spiraling downward into a deep depression with severe anxiety and debilitating panic attacks. I wasn't eating and found myself so exhausted, where I couldn't keep my eyes open throughout the day. I mentally was in a fog where days flew by, I struggled to recall most things that happened, and felt as if I was on a hamster wheel. I wasn't thriving; I was merely trying to survive.

As I reflect, I can see the signs that I missed or instead chose to ignore because of my pride - that darn ego! As a result, I didn't get the help I needed when I should have until one day when I snapped. Overall, I couldn't take it anymore, and unfortunately, my son got the brunt of it. While I am ashamed that I lost my cool and flipped out, I'm also grateful for it because it was the wake-up call I needed. Seeing the hurt in his eyes and the terrified look on his face was enough to admit I needed help and booked an appointment with my doctor.

Once my medication started to work, I embarked on a mission to find a better way to heal myself holistically. I was never one to be into the "woo," but I found myself navigating down that path after several serendipitous moments after my father's passing. I began researching various holistic methods that could support me during this turbulent time. One of these methods was the use of crystals.

As a child, I was always intrigued by nature and loved rocks, crystals, etc. It was a natural part of me growing up, but over time, like most things, your upbringing, pressures of society, and opinions or views of loved ones shape who we become. Things that once were important to use become a thing of the past. In my case, it fit the bill.

While I engrossed myself into learning everything I could about crystals and their healing power, I became more intrigued and less of a skeptic. I understood the theory of quantum physics to know that atoms are spinning and vibrating vortices of energy. Since everything is a composite of atoms, everything also has energy, including crystals, and us too. I began to see how powerful crystals could be and wanted to test it out for myself, so I did.

What I discovered is that individual crystals carry different vibrational energy than others. Some were stronger where I could feel the energy pulsating through my hand as I held it, and others were weaker where the power felt more like a soft heartbeat.

When I held the Tigers Eye crystal, within seconds, I could feel my anxiety dissipate and felt more grounded - calm or at peace. Next, I tried the clear quartz, and wow, that stone is powerful! So much so, that I could feel the energy permeating throughout my body where it felt as though I received a cleanse. Truthfully it's challenging to explain because it was an eye-opening experience. 

From there, I began to choose a crystal to hold for a few minutes with my eyes close and took note of what I felt throughout my body as I focused on the energy I was receiving from it. Sometimes the energy helped me emotionally, mentally, physically, or spiritually, but each provided me some benefit that I could pinpoint.

Now you may be thinking, is this legit? 

I want to share with you that millions of people across the globe use crystals for healing, and they were used in ancient times too. Not any "new age" mumbo jumbo, in my opinion. Could it be plausible that it's a placebo effect? Yes! But could it also be likely that crystals indeed hold healing power through their energy? Yes, absolutely! Like I mentioned previously, I'll let you form your own opinions and judgments. All that I ask is that you keep an open and nonjudgemental mind.

Furthermore, others who use crystals have similar or completely different experiences than me. It's important to note too that not everyone will experience the same thing when using crystals. What works for one person to support their anxious feelings may not work for the next, and they need a different crystal. Same as the energetic power behind them, it won't be the same sensation for everyone. I do believe, though, that the more open-minded you are to receiving the benefits of crystals, the more you will experience.

What crystals can you use for healing?

While there are several crystals you can use to support your healing journey, there are a few I recommend as a starting point so that you don't get too overwhelmed. Let's briefly discuss them.


Amethyst relieves physical, emotional, and psychological pain or stress. It also eases headaches, releases tension, reduces insomnia, and promotes a better night's rest.

Black Onyx

Black onyx provides strength and support during difficult times or confusing situations, especially when dealing with mental, emotional, or physical stress. It alleviates feelings of overwhelm, fear, and worry.

Clear Quartz

Clear quartz is a master healer and can be used for any condition or situation and is also an amplifier stone. Meaning, it can amplify the energy of other stones.


Malachite supports your transformation by drawing out deep feelings and psychosomatic causes, breaks unwanted ties, outdated patterns, and taking responsibility for your actions.


Moonstone is known as the "stone of new beginnings," and it calms overreactions to situations and emotional triggers. It also opens the mind to sudden irrational impulses, serendipity, and synchronicity. It soothes emotional instability and stress and stabilizes the emotions.

Rose Quartz

Rose quartz strengthens your empathy and sensitivity and aids in the acceptance of the change. Emotionally it helps to release emotions and heartache as well as soothes the internal pain from grief.

Tiger's Eye

Tiger's eye is helpful for problem-solving and resolving internal conflicts, grounding, and aids in healing mental or personality disorders.

There are a variety of ways in which you can use crystals for the various healing properties. While I won't get into all of them today, some simple ways to use the energy is by wearing them in jewelry, carrying them in your pocket (or bra), holding them in your hand or on your body for a few minutes, or placing them near you.

With that said, you can find crystals through local businesses such as rock or crystals shops, metaphysical or spiritual stores, or several online retailers. However, be careful about purchasing your stones from random retailers. Some sell fake crystals or grow them in labs. They will not have the same energy properties as those sourced from the Earth.

I encourage you to choose a couple to see for yourself. Be open to the possibility that crystals can help you and experience it firsthand because it may just surprise you!

Share in the comments: What crystals are your favorite, and how do you use them in your everyday life?


FDA Disclaimer

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

Healing from Grief

Are you struggling to cope with the loss of a loved one?

In my 10x bestselling book, Healing from Grief, I share intimate details about my experience of losing my Dad to cancer and the turmoil I experienced in the aftermath of his death, which ultimately led to my breakdown. With perseverance, grit, and my faith, I fearlessly found my inner warrior and began to battle the demons of my life and pulled myself out of the depths of hell.

I met with medical professionals, alternative and holistic health practitioners, spent countless hours researching, educating, and implementing ideas to discover a better way to heal from grief. In doing so, I transformed my life by holistically healing the mind, body, soul, and spirit and learned to turn pain into purpose and honor my loved one.

Now I aspire to share these secrets with you!

10x Amazon Bestseller, Healing from Grief: Transform Your Pain into Purpose and Honor Your Loved One by Kayla Brissi

10x Amazon Bestseller, Healing from Grief: Transform Your Pain into Purpose and Honor Your Loved One by Kayla Brissi

In the book, you’ll find a practical guide to help you find peace and comfort while you heal from grief; such as:

  • Mindful Meditation

  • Journal Writing

  • Aromatherapy

  • Crystals

  • Energy Healing

You will also learn how to transform your pain into purpose and honor your loved one while living a highly favored life!


Kayla Brissi

Kayla Brissi is a Certified Transformational Coach and Holistic Healing Practitioner, Speaker, and Author of Healing from Grief* and Transforming Inner Pain*.

She is the Owner and Founder of Intuitive Spiritual Warrior Holistic Consulting & Healing LLC and Kayla Brissi LLC.

Kayla is passionate about empowering others to R.I.S.E. by supporting them to heal their inner pain, get into energetic alignment, and break free from what’s blocking their personal and professional growth.

In her spare time, you can catch her writing her next best-selling book, reading, watching movies, and spending time with her family.

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